Saturday, December 12, 2009

Soda bottle into decorative item!

Recently viewed on how to recycle soda bottle as decorative items. See below!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Office Accessories

Ever think of using office utilities to benefit people around you. Lately, I have been surfing e-net and came across hoards of stuff relating to the idea I have mentioned earlier. Such as this one
And this one(Necklace)
And this is the Wall art!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Recycling Bottle caps

I love recycling and use mineral water therefore have stack of bottles and caps ready to be reincarnated, have made few from soda bottle caps
necklace and bead storage

The rest I have found online!
Cap Pin Cushion Chandlier Photo Frame

Friday, July 3, 2009

Upcycling sofa seats

Have a look how old sofa seats can be upcycled as floor cushion, work great for me. See below!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My love to Salt Dough

Lately am into home decor project and had made another very useful item to store eggs, see the picture!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Salt dough fun

I love to play with salt dough and had visited many websites with different projects but mine is in 360 degree i.e., within the recycling line, see below! I have covered an empty glass pills' bottle with colored salt dough and voila a new piece for my home. Its simply an Aubergine. I have many in this line and had made Bell peppers, tomatoes and eggs.

Waste Not Want Not!

I am a fan of recycling and always have recycled or refashioned sometime refurbished old or torn away stuff not wanted by others. Its my humble effort towards a greener planet. Some of my efforts you can witness in the adjacent picture.
The other is how to safe PC Mouse from dust, my city is dust heavy, so here's the solution for this!

Moreover, bottle caps are my favorite, see below!

Last but not least using crochet patterns as jewelry!